Nhằn nâng cao sức khỏe cho các bạn trẻ - thanh niên Tp.HCM, Môn Phái "Tinh Võ Đạo" thông báo chiêu sinh khóa 1, tại điểm tập Nhà thiếu nhi Q.10. Khai giảng ngày 01/12/2011, bắt đầu nhận võ sinh từ nay cho đến ngày khai giảng. Các bạn trẻ yêu thích võ thuật đăng ký tại Email Võ sư Hồ Nhất Phi
Võ sư Hồ Nhất Phi - Cấp 18/18 Quốc Gia

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 3, 2014


Basically, there are three different types of punches in Muay Thai which can be directed in a horizontally circular, horizontally linear, or vertically circular fashion. The circular punches can be directed in either narrow or wide arcs. The Thai style punches can be compared with that of western boxing, however, there are no Jab maneuvers in Muay Thai because they are believed to be less effective than the Cross, Hook, or Swing.
Basic Stance: with left or right foot forward, head lowered and hands clear of face to give  better vision of opponent. Hands are not brought close to face as in western boxing, but are slightly set forward and away from the body.
Fighter attacks opponent with a right punch to his opponents left ribs
 Fighter attacks opponent with a left punch to his opponents solar plexus or stomach.
Fighter attacks opponent with a left uppercut punch to his opponents chinFighter attacks opponent with a right uppercut punch to his opponents chin
Any person with a basic concept of western boxing will notice a variety of similarities within Muay Thai, however, applying western techniques will not always work such as ducking away from or under a punch, as this will allow your opponent to counter the move with a knee strike. Stepping forward with hands raised to protect the face in western boxing will allow the opponent to counter with a clinch allowing him to execute a variety of attacks with the elbow or knee.  Or will allow your opponent to counter with a  front kick, push kick or several low kicks.

Unlike most other martial arts, the shoulder of the attacking arm is usually lifted in front of the face in order to protect the throat, jaw, and cheek bone while the other arm is raised in a defensive position. The main target is the head of the opponent instead of the body so as to avoid being hit by a knee strike, however, the body can become a target. Remember that every punch is delivered with the twisting of the hips and the turning of the waist. 
As Thai fighters compete more against western fighters who are well adverse in "Queensbury" boxing techniques, the Muay Thai fighter has begun to use many of these boxing techniques to counter the strengths and abilities of the western fighter.

The fighter attacks his opponent by stepping forward and delivering a right punch to the chin.

The fighter attacks his opponent by stepping forward and executes a right hook to the left jaw.The fighter attacks his opponent by stepping forward and delivering a left punch to the chin.
  The jab, though not used much in Muay Thai is a way to measure the distance of his opponent to set him up for a round house kick to the head or upper body  
A spinning back fist is fairly new to the arsenal of Muay Thai, but is used effectively and often catches the opponent off guard.
As Thai fighters compete more against western fighters who are well adverse in "Queensbury" boxing techniques, the Muay Thai fighter has begun to use many of these boxing techniques to counter the strengths and abilities of the western fighter.

Although only a small portion of boxing techniques are shown here, Muay Thai has adapted many more punches and counter punches from western boxing. However, it has still retained its most basic format, omitting much of the standard techniques, allowing Muay Thai is  to successfully counter these with its own arsenal of  body defenses and offensive maneuvers.

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